
  • Tree Cutting Sound Effect
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 6. 06:01

    The carbon cycle is one of the cycles of which is greatly affected by trees and the lack of trees would have a very bad effect in many ways. With the cutting down of trees there would be less photosynthesis and therefore there would be less oxygen produced.Also the lack of trees would mean an abundance of carbon dioxide as there would be no trees to use it up.

    And the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide would mean huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the air this would then cause global warming due to the greenhouse effect. There would also be less carbon compounds of which could be provided to animals through the carbon cycle. This would cause death of animals as carbon compounds of which come from trees are key in healthy developing life. Due to the cutting down of trees of which they would then be discarded or use in another way this would halt the normal decay process of which trees go through when the naturally fall and decay. The lack of this process would mean the lack of fossil fuels and the decaying tree would then over millions of years develop into fossil fuel.

    This could be very bad for the population as it would mean that there would be a lack of fossil fuel.However you could argue that this could possible not be a very big consequence as the human populations dependence on fossil fuels is too great and which the end of fossil fuels is looming and so this could influence advancements in other areas of fuels and electricity of which the human population could then use and live off of. The Nitrogen Cycle would also be affected if trees were cut down. If there were no trees then there would be more NO3 in the soil as it would not be taken up by plants and trees. This would then mean that there would be more denitrifying bacteria in the soil and this would then leas to more Nitrogen in the atmosphere. Excess Nitrogen in the atmosphere of which can have deadly effects.


    Burning the felled trees can also contributes to a large amount of nitric oxide in the atmosphere. Nitric oxide can combine with oxygen gas to for nitrogen dioxide, which reacts with water vapour to form a strong acid (nitric acid). This can precipitate out of the atmosphere in the form of the deadly acid rain. The acid can damage trees and kill fish.

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    Because of a lack of trees there would be no absorption of nitrogen and so plants would lack nitrogen compounds.These plants of which would then be eaten by animals would then be lacking this compound and so the animals could then die. The greenhouse effect and global warming is a consequence of cutting down trees greatly linked to the disruption in the carbon cycle. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide create a thick layer that absorbs the heat and reflects it back to Earth, rather than leting it be lost to space. This causes the Earth’s climate to change as temperatures go up.

    This can have many bad effects to the earth. For example this then causes the melting of ice caps. This causes loss of habitat and so the chance of extinction of animals in this area increases. The melting of the ice caps also causes the sea levels to rise and so flooding of low level land occurs.

    Cutting Down Trees Effects

    This in turn causes loss of habitats as well as destroys crops. The loss of habitats can then cause less rainfall which then results in droughts and so crops die and create barren land as well as people become ill.Diversity can also be badly affected by the cutting down of trees. Diversity is the variety of living organisms within a particular area.

    Tree Cutting Sound Effect

    There are three types of diversity: Genetic, species and ecosystem. There are less trees which means a reduction in diversity of which is specifically species diversity. Species diversity is the number of different species and the number of individuals of each species within any one community. The cutting down of trees also means less habitats and so more completion for these areas and so more animals die.

    This refers to Ecosystem Diversity; this is the range of different habitats within a particular area. The cutting down of trees also means that due to other diversity reasons the animals die and they also have less breeding areas due to loss of habitats.

    This reduces reproduction and so the animals do not pass on their genes and so there is then less genetic diversity. Competition is also effected when the cutting down of trees occurs.This is because the cutting down of trees increases completion for not just habitats but also for food. This lack of resources and therefore increase in competition means that many animals die and they are not able to compete successfully for what they need to live. The loss of trees also could mean the loss of camouflage for many animals of which normally live in and around trees and normally use trees to cover and camouflage themselves. This means that prey cannot hide as easily and so is a lot easier to see for the predator and so the prey is a lot easier to catch changing the competition. However it also mean the prey can see the predators more easily due to the loss of trees and so have more of a chance to get away from the predator of which they did not have before.

    So in conclusions there are many catastrophic effects of which occur from the cutting down of trees if which all have detrimental effect on the environment that we live in.

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    What’s on this page:.Before getting down to business, assemble the tools and gear that you’ll need. At the very minimum, you will need the following equipment:. Protective Gear – People get injured while felling trees all the time. Reduce the risk by wearing Kevlar leg coverings, a hard hat, steel toe boots, heavy-duty gloves and goggles. First Aid Kit – In case something goes awry, have medical supplies readily available. Chainsaw – Make sure the chainsaw has a sharp chain, a full tank of oil and gas and that it works properly.

    Ladder. Rope. Ax. WedgesExamine the Tree First: 4 Questions to Consider Before Cutting a TreeYou’ll have an easier time cutting a tree if you’ve taken a good, hard look at it. Answer these questions before you start:. Does it lean in one direction or another?.

    Are there dead or broken branches?. Is there a clear area where it can safely fall without damaging anything?. Are branches from a nearby tree in the way?While you’re at it, figure out a quick and easy escape route.

    If things don’t go as planned, you need to be able to get as far away from the tree as quickly as possible. Ideally, you should try to run behind another tree if the tree you are cutting doesn’t fall like it should.Steps for Cutting Down a TreeFollow these steps to increase the safety and efficiency of your tree-cutting experience:. Sound it Out – Knock against the tree with your ax. If it sounds hollow, it may be dead or dying.

    If it sounds solid, it is live wood and will be more difficult to cut. Do this at different points and heights. With any luck, you’ll find a spot that will make the cutting a lot easier. Figure Out Where it Will Fall – Does the tree have a tendency to lean one way or another? It’s easiest and best to choose a drop zone that falls where the tree naturally wants to land. Try to choose a spot that is level, or the tree could roll, bounce or otherwise move and cause damage or injuries. Make a Horizontal Cut – This cut should not be higher than your hip, and it should extend no more than one-third of the way into the tree.

    Keep in mind that the tree will fall perpendicularly to this horizontal cut. Make a Wedge Cut – The slice that is produced by this cut should look like a slice of orange. Whether you make it from the top or bottom of the horizontal cut, put a stick on the other side of the horizontal cut to ensure a straight wedge cut. Make a Back Cut – This cut will determine how thick your holding wood is, which is the piece that will determine how the tree will fall. Try to make it as thick as possible. Figure out where you want the back cut to terminate and mark it on the tree.

    It should be at least 1.5 inches above the horizontal cut for best results. As you cut, place a wedge to prevent the tree from settling onto the chainsaw. Be Ready – As your back cut is completed, you should end up with an even holding wood.

    Either that, or the tree will begin to fall. Keep adding more wedges as necessary. Be ready to run at any moment. Run – When the tree is on its way down, use your escape route to get safely clear of it.

    Don’t turn your back on it. By keeping your eye on the falling tree, you can dramatically reduce the risk of being seriously injured.It’s almost always best to hire a professional company to cut down a tree for you. Before doing so, you should educate yourself about typical tree cutting prices.

    The cost to cut down a tree depends on a variety of different factors. You can spend as little as $125, or you could end up spending around $1,500 or more. Read our and learn more.It is generally recommended that you do not cut a tree’s roots, and this is something that should only happen out of necessity. Some situations in which cutting a tree’s roots may be warranted include the following. When a tree is growing too large for the yard in which it is located or.

    When a tree is growing dangerously close to the foundation of your home.There is no way to guarantee that you won’t damage the tree by cutting its roots. If you do, you will more than likely have to remove the tree entirely. Step-by-step instructions for cutting tree roots as safely as possible are.Cutting down a tree can be dangerous, so it is almost always recommended that you hire a properly trained and equipped professional whenever possible. If you are unable to hire a professional tree service or arborist and need to fell the tree yourself, then these may help things go more smoothly.Before getting to work, make sure that you’re actually allowed to perform this work yourself. In many jurisdictions, laypeople are not allowed to fell trees themselves. If you run afoul of a local ordinance, you could end up facing a fine.

    Remember that even trained professionals put themselves in harm’s way when they fell trees, so you should probably just hire someone that knows what they are doing. The risks generally outweigh the benefits in this case.

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